Infusing Brand Heart Into Our Office Space

To create an immersive brand experience, every detail must be thoughtful, every interaction must be meaningful, and every deliverable must be created with care. Each touchpoint matters and we make all touchpoints count – especially when it comes to our own brand.

The purpose of Hoot Design Company is to create change, and we see our office space as an extension of our Brand Heart to inspire change in the lives of our employees and our clients. Every time someone steps into our space, we want them to feel our brand through the environment we’ve created. 

Like every brand, we’ve evolved over the years. And with that, so have our spaces. The space we occupy now looks nothing like it did when Hoot was launched. That’s because our purpose has narrowed, our team has grown, and our service offerings have expanded. Our interiors reflect who we are now, while still allowing us to be open to the change that’s yet to come.

The Hoot brand colors and playful design elements are replicated throughout our branded interior design. As you move from space to space, we want you to feel a sense of curated energy from the paint colors to the coffee table books.

Take a Look Into Our Space

Keeping our core values of joy, candor, and collaboration in mind, every space in our office – from the kitchen to the workspaces to the bathrooms – was designed with intention. In order to ensure our brand translated into the space while still being functional as an office, we hired Bodine White to transform our space.

Kristen, owner of Hoot Design Company, wants each employee to feel “at home” while at work. That’s why our kitchen and shared living space were designed to be open and inviting. It feels like stepping into a home each time we use the full-size kitchen appliances to make breakfast together or share lunch around the island. The cozy seating space allows for internal collaboration, discussion, and client presentations.

Each morning, one Hoot team member gets to pick a design of their choice to be displayed on our art-like TV. This is a unique opportunity for our employees to express their creativity and spark joy among coworkers.

When it comes to our workspaces, our creative and account teams have different setups. This was a strategic decision based on the nature of our roles and how we operate daily. Our creative team members share desks that allow for open communication and collaboration to flow. The floor-to-ceiling windows flood the office with natural light, creating bright work spaces that bring life to our office plants and keep our team inspired.

Across the hall, our account team has their own personal work set up with unique dividers in between each desk space. This design allows them to make client calls or focus on working out project details without distraction.

Our conference room is strategically centered in the middle of our office space. We keep things transparent around here – which is why the walls in this space are windows. The conference room is utilized by our team to host discovery sessions for our clients. It's also where Hoot team members gather for in-depth discussions and working sessions.

Upstairs, our second conference room provides more space for our team and our clients to gather. This space is ideal for more private conversations and is best utilized for large client meetings.

We believe that bringing your best self to work starts with the work you do outside of the office. For some of our Hoot teammates, that looks like self-care in the form of exercise. We practice yoga as a team on Monday mornings, and the office Peloton is always available for a midday sweat or after-work decompression.

Even our bathrooms are well-designed. The custom murals from local artist Adrienne Luther remind us that the Hoot brand is woven into every corner of our space.

Brand Your Interior

Brand is all encompassing, and the space your team works in should be no exception. 

Our personal discovery on branded interiors has allowed us to learn how our clients can make their own spaces reflect their brand identity. 

We’d love to talk about how you can make your work or office environment beat to the heart of your business. Reach out to our team to start the conversation.


Brand Heart: Discovering Who You Are