Working with a creative agency works.

Working with an agency may be more advantageous than you think.

  • Do you have more projects than your team can handle?

  • Do you have an annual project you need assistance with each year?

  • Do you need a skill set your current team lacks?

  • Is running a creative department draining your energy and resources?

  • Do you need an outside perspective?

  • Do you have thoughts of hiring and attrition running through your head?

In case you haven’t noticed, hiring is time-intensive and e-x-p-e-n-s-i-v-e. If you’re asking yourself these questions, it might be time to partner with a creative agency. 

There are multiple ways to approach a partnership. Here at Hoot, we approach relationships in two ways: project-based or annually-based. 

Project Relationships

Project-based work is a one-time engagement (although we hope you come back for more). We evaluate your needed work, assign a timeline, and get to work. Oftentimes, one project turns into another based on the deep level of strategy and collaboration that is built. Project work is a good fit for brands that are just getting started, one-off campaigns, or when your team can’t handle what’s on their plate.

At Hoot we like to say we sit at the intersection of GOOD and FAST.

Annual Relationships

At Hoot, annual agreements are our long-term partnerships that result in the most holistic approach to your brand management.

We have one goal: to serve our clients and their work. Together, we sit down to gain an understanding of your pain points and your future desired state. We don’t have a use-it-or-lose-it mentality. Your agreement allows for flexibility depending on your needs.

We ask questions. We listen.

And together, we craft a plan that will work. Annual relationships at Hoot mean that we are properly set up to prioritize your work. We have the staff and resources readily available, and you have a team that generates a deep understanding of your brand – ensuring brand consistency.

Here’s why consistency matters.

A consistent presentation of a brand can increase revenue by 33% (Lucidpress). Without someone dedicated to the management of your brand through a long-term partnership, you’re leaving profit on the table. To put things in perspective:

  • 15% of companies have no brand guidelines

  • 13% have brand guidelines that go unused

  • 31% report consistency enforced guidelines

  • 77% see off-brand content created

Brands are complicated, and when someone knows yours inside and out, you are guaranteed to have consistent marketing materials. When we work with retainer (annual) clients, we produce everything from social media posts to print collateral to websites, and each marketing move is backed by a strategy that aligns with their goals. Plus, these strategic, beautiful materials are delivered quickly. Our response times are nimble, and we can react on your behalf in times when things need to keep moving.

A long-term relationship ensures you are a top priority and gives you full access to an expert team that already knows your brand. You don’t need to worry about sick leave or PTO, we have you covered, and we’re hustling for your business every month. Goodbye complacency.

Without someone managing your brand, you risk slow timelines and inconsistency. And inconsistency is the easiest way to destroy your brand. Our long-term clients never have to worry about their brand experience - we ensure they’re consistent, on-brand, and on time. No matter what.

Plus, we’re a lot of fun to work with. At least we think so.

Why do annual agreements work?

  • They allow for freedom and flexibility when your needs change.

  • They save you time.

  • They allow you to leverage what you do best – running your business.

  • You gain a team of experts as an extension of your team.

  • Your business and brand are always top of mind for us. We’re finding ways to improve it, build it, and set you up for long-term success.

Outside of the above, you eliminate the expensive and time consuming elements of hiring. To prove our point:

  • According to SHRM, the average cost of hiring an employee is around $4,000, and when done right could take as long as 36 days.

  • Benefits are also something to consider when hiring and are roughly 30% of your total compensation package, according to the U.S. Department of Labor.

  • Management of an employee is crucial to the success of your organization. When done correctly, managers are spending around 24 hours a month with employees.

  • There are natural checks and balances put in place on what your employees are doing. We’re accountable to your long-term goals every month, without your oversight.

Hiring an agency through an annual relationship is an investment – but it’s also an investment that provides a valuable return. You could pay one marketing professional’s salary or a full agency for one year. When you work with an agency, you get an entire team of marketing pros for the price of one. (Not to mention the emotional investment employees deserve through good leadership). When you hire an agency, you’re hiring a communications team. And when you hire Hoot Design Company, you’re hiring a partner.

At Hoot, we approach each long-term relationship with a fresh perspective. We’re in the relationship business, and clients are why we show up every single day. Are you thinking about hiring someone to help you manage your brand? Before you do, we’d love to talk to you.

Connect today.


If You Don’t Have a Purpose, You Don’t Have a Brand


We Don’t Need More Managers. We Need Leaders.