Determine your Marketing Spend with our Downloadable Worksheet

Marketing is an allocation of resources for a specific outcome.

If you’re asking yourself: What should I be spending on marketing? How much should my project management budget be? What should creative campaigns cost me?

We can help you figure it out.

First, it’s important to know you’re not alone. Many of our clients are unsure of how to approach their annual marketing spend.

We recommend that you allocate at least ten percent of your gross revenue if you are a B2C brand and five percent of your gross revenue if you are a B2B brand.

Often, when we start working with a partner, they are unsure of how the money that they are investing should be spent, and there are some essential questions we have to answer before we can dig into a solution.

So, we created a downloadable PDF worksheet to help get you started.

We use this for our service-based clients, but the same rules apply for a product-based business–your numbers just look different.

Before you can determine how to allocate your resources, you have to know your numbers.

Download the free worksheet below to get started.


Brand Identity: Three Key Components


Brand is King