Build This Town

Creating an Emotionally Driven Campaign to Drive Fundraising Efforts


Friends of the Farm, a collaborative public-private partnership, is on a mission to build a one-of-a-kind agriculture park. The space is designed to connect farmers with locals, introduce healthy food options to the community, promote sustainable agriculture, and get kids involved with urban farming at a young age. But the organization had been fundraising for years with little success, and it needed $7.5 million to make the agriculture park a reality.


Fundraising Campaign Concepting
Visual Brand Identity
Brand Messaging + Voice
Print Design + Advertising
Website Design

Folder design for Build This Town fundraising campaign. Photo of young boy around farm animals on cover.
Inside of folder for Build This Town. Pockets of the folder show children learning with food and text "Our food. Our Families. Our future."

We overhauled the fundraising efforts and created an emotionally driven campaign that increased awareness and, most importantly, donations. The campaign has helped raise $4.78 million for the agriculture park, which is developing ahead of schedule. The positive effect it has already had on the community is immeasurable, but our challenge was showcasing that impact before the project was underway.



Print design for informational pamphlet for Build This Town campaign for agriculture park.
Photo of young girl eating farm-fresh dinner.

A campaign starts with a name.

The fundraising campaign was originally branded under the same umbrella as ‘Friends of the Farm,’ a name that didn’t evoke any action and left the organization with underwhelming community support. 

We convinced the large collaborative of stakeholders that, in order to get the project off the ground, the fundraising campaign needed its own brand. To ensure the coalition was excited about the direction of the campaign, we pitched three different concepts (one based on the original name and two new options) for them to choose from.

Friends of the Farm Clary-Shy Park campaign and brand style sheet.
Grow This City campaign style sheet and brand voice.

In the end, the group went with our recommendation: ‘Build This Town,’ a powerful call to action that serves as a rallying cry for the community and speaks to the rural population the agriculture park represents.

Build This Town brand voice and style sheet.
"Our Food. Our Families. Our Future." text on close-up photo of cabbage and broccoli.


Poster design for Build This Town campaign. Close-up of green cabbage with text "Our Food. Our Families. Our Future. and "it's time to build a healthy town."
Green-tinted photo of mom and daughter cooking at home.
Fundraising postcard for Build This town. Front of card has photo of young boy with food and back of card has campaign information.

Raising awareness, raising funds.

To set the freshly branded campaign up for success, we built Build This Town an easy-to-manage website, produced a robust donation packet, and built a comprehensive marketing plan that outlined creative direction, messaging, and strategy. And to maximize donations, we identified three key audiences that Build This Town should target, from grassroots donors to million-dollar organizations. The strategic plan continues to guide Build This Town’s fundraising efforts, and the donations haven’t slowed down since the campaign first launched.

Fundraising pamphlet for agriculture park.
Map of agriculture park in Columbia, MO showing different buildings in the park.

We help brands launch compelling and successful campaigns. Get in touch to get your next campaign off the ground.


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