Gumball Poodle
Creating clarity through our Brand Being™ process for an eccentric e-commerce brand.
Gumball Poodle is a novelty sock brand that specializes in making a statement.
They are taking t-shirts to your feet. Inspired by eccentric subcultures, Gumball Poodle offers a diverse range of styles and designs. From tasteful topics, like sex, to universal sensations, like farting, they're always coming up with colorful statements that will keep you on your toes and have you coming back for more.
The owner of Gumball Poodle came to us feeling like the gatekeeper for the brand's success. She needed a way to help people understand the knowledge she has in her head, the passion that lives in her heart, and the why behind the brands creation.

This is a common problem that owners run into, and it’s why we created our Brand Guide process, which includes:
Brand Heart
Team Rollout
During the project, we got to the heart of why Gumball Poodle was started in the first place, defined its purpose, established a set of values the team could rally around, and casted a vision for where the brand is going.
We also defined Gumball Poodle's market position, zeroed in on their audience and ideal customer, crafted a unique Brand Tension Point, established voice traits, and developed a full visual suite for the brand's evolution.
At the end of it all, we facilitated a smooth rollout to the broader Gumball Poodle team that created alignment amongst everyone who touches the brand.