Parliament | Why You Need Haters

Here's a truth that might make you uncomfortable: If your brand isn't actively repelling some people, it's probably not strongly attracting anyone either.

As Concept Bureau brilliantly puts it:

"Most founders see indifference as being on the path to love, but that's a dangerous falsehood. Love and hate are on two ends of the same path, while indifference is a dead-end highway in another town. You will waste precious time and dollars that could have been spent learning about your true base and how to broaden your audience from there."

The Comfortable Trap

Let's be honest - we've all been there. Watering down our message to appeal to everyone. Making our visuals "safer." Smoothing out the edges of our personality until we're about as distinctive as vanilla ice cream at a dessert buffet.

Why? Because it feels safe. Because we're afraid of turning people off. Because somewhere along the line, we bought into the myth that success means being liked by everyone.

But here's the reality: Trying to appeal to everyone is the fastest way to appeal to no one.

The Magnetic Power of Repulsion

Think about the brands you truly love. The ones you'd defend in a bar argument. The ones whose stickers you proudly display on your laptop. They didn't get there by trying to make everyone happy.

They got there by taking a stand. By having an opinion. By being willing to say "This isn't for everyone, and that's exactly the point."

Some examples from our own journey:

  • When we decided to focus exclusively on culture-driven branding, we lost potential clients who wanted "just a logo."

  • We embrace being women-owned and led, while others sometimes avoid “polarizing topics” (how that is polarizing is an even better blog post). This means we bring in the right kind of client who is all for our culture and policies.

  • When we pushed for one brand advocate — we had to talk a lot of clients off the edge, but it was worth it.

And you know what? Those moments of pushback were precisely when we knew we were onto something real.

The Math of Magnetism

Here's a simple equation:

  • Strong Attraction + Strong Repulsion = Passionate Community

  • Mild Appeal - Any Repulsion = Forgettable Brand

When you try to avoid any negative reaction, you also cap your potential for positive connection. It's like trying to create a magnet with only a north pole - it's physically impossible.

Your Permission Slip to Polarize

Consider this your official permission to:

  • Take that controversial stance — we WANT to hear your hot take

  • Double down on your weird

  • Let your freak flag fly (professionally, of course)

  • Say no to clients who aren't aligned with your values

  • Stand firmly in your beliefs, even when they're unpopular

The Strategic Art of Repulsion

But here's the key - repulsion shouldn't be random. It should be strategic. Here's how to do it right:

  1. Define Your Non-Negotiables

    • What do you believe that others in your industry don't?

    • What practices will you never engage in?

    • What type of clients do you actively NOT want?

  2. Amplify Your Edges

    • Where are the places your brand can be more distinctive?

    • What is the injustice you are here to fight against?

    • How can you make your stance clearer and bolder?

  3. Embrace the Pushback

    • Criticism of your intentional positioning is validation

    • Angry comments might mean you're onto something

    • Lost opportunities could be bullets dodged

Show us Your Hot Take

You're not here to be everyone's cup of tea. You're here to be someone's shot of tequila.

At Hoot, we're not trying to change how the world sees you. We're here to help you see yourself clearly and express that truth boldly - even if it means some people won't like what they see.

“Because at the end of the day, you'd rather have lovers and haters than a world of bystanders.” - Concept Bureau

Ready to build a brand that magnetizes your perfect-fit clients and naturally repels the rest? Let's talk about how the Brand Being Method can help you find your edge and sharpen it.

Remember: The opposite of love isn't hate - it's indifference. And in branding, indifference is death.



Artwork by Nya McClain, article by Senior Art Director, Bri Thomas

Consistency Doesn't Mean Boring: Why brand consistency is about intention, not limitation

The Persistent Myth
"We need to be more creative, let's break away from the brand guidelines." "Brand consistency is holding us back." "Our guidelines are too restrictive for social media." "We need something fresh - let's ignore the system just this once."
These are the justifications used every time someone wants to prioritize short-term creative impulses over long-term brand building. But here's the thing: consistency isn't your enemy - it's your secret weapon.

The Reality Check
The most innovative brands in the world are also some of the most consistent. Think about:

  • Apple's product launches - always minimal, always powerful

  • Nike's advertising - decades of "Just Do It" finding fresh expressions

  • Coca-Cola - evolving within their brand world for over a century

  • Google - playful while maintaining clear system principles

These brands aren't consistent because they lack creativity. They're consistent because they understand that consistency creates recognition, and recognition builds trust.

The Freedom of Framework
Strong brand systems work like music – they're built on a fundamental structure that enables meaningful improvisation, not restricts it. Think of your brand guidelines as a musical scale: once you truly understand the rules, you can play with them in infinite ways while still creating something recognizable. The structure isn't limiting your creativity; it's giving it direction and purpose. When you have a clear framework, you don't waste energy wondering if something is "on brand" – instead, you can focus your creative energy on finding fresh, innovative ways to express your brand's core truth.

The best brand systems don't wall you in; they give you a foundation to build upon. They provide the tools and principles that enable teams to move quickly and confidently, ensuring that every expression of the brand adds to its equity rather than diluting it. It's about creating guardrails that focus innovation rather than barriers that prevent it.

What Actually Matters
Real brand consistency isn't about mindless repetition or rigid rule-following – it's about strategic intention and purposeful choice. It's understanding that every brand expression is either building or eroding brand equity, and making conscious decisions about how to move forward. True consistency comes from having a deep understanding of your brand's core principles and using that understanding to guide evolution, not prevent it.

This means looking beyond surface-level consistency like colors and logos to ensure you're creating coherent experiences that build meaningful recognition over time. It's about understanding that your brand isn't just a set of visual rules – it's a tool for creating lasting impressions and building trust with your audience. When you approach consistency from this perspective, it becomes less about what you can't do and more about how you can use your brand's established equity to create more powerful work.

The Bottom Line
Remember: The most powerful creative work doesn't come from ignoring your brand - it comes from understanding it deeply enough to push it forward with purpose.


Parliament | Beyond Words on Walls: How to Actually Build the Culture You've Been Dreaming About