Changing How You See Yourself: The Foundation of Brand Transformation

At Hoot Design Company, we often say, "We're not here to change how the world sees you. We're here to change how you see yourself."

This isn't just a catchy phrase—it's the core of our philosophy and the real value we bring to our client relationships.

I was recently speaking with a client, and I used this analogy: think of us holding up a mirror but one you’re incapable of holding.

A Brand Being is built on authenticity and vision — and it can be hard to see the label from inside the jar, but when you get that clarity combined with the emotion of storytelling, your roadmap becomes crystal clear.

The Power of Self-Perception in Branding

1. Authenticity Drives Connection

  • When a company truly understands and embraces its identity, it naturally projects authenticity.

  • 86% of consumers say authenticity is important when deciding what brands they like and support (Stackla, 2019).

  • Authentic brands enjoy higher customer loyalty, with 63% of consumers saying they would buy from a company they consider to be authentic over and above competitors (Stackla, 2019).

2. Employee Engagement and Advocacy

  • When employees believe in their company's brand, they become powerful advocates.

  • Companies with highly engaged employees outperform their competitors by 147% in earnings per share (Gallup, 2018).

  • Employee advocacy programs can increase brand visibility by up to 561% (MSLGroup, 2017).

3. Consistent Brand Experience

  • A clear self-perception leads to consistent brand expression across all touchpoints.

  • Consistent brand presentation across all platforms can increase revenue by up to 23% (Forbes, 2019).

4. Innovation and Adaptability

  • Companies with a strong sense of self are better positioned to innovate while staying true to their core.

  • Innovative companies that maintain brand consistency are 20% more likely to retain customers (Lucidpress, 2019).

5. Long-term Brand Equity

  • Building a brand from the inside out creates lasting value.

  • Strong brands deliver, on average, 31% higher shareholder returns than weaker brands (McKinsey, 2019).

Why Changing Self-Perception Matters

  1. It's Sustainable: External perceptions can be fleeting, but a strong internal identity provides a stable foundation for long-term brand success.

  2. It's Holistic: This approach doesn't just change your marketing—it transforms your entire organization, from culture to operations.

  3. It's Empowering: When you're clear on who you are, you make better decisions, attract the right customers and employees, and navigate challenges with confidence.

  4. It's Differentiating: In a world of look-alike brands, a truly authentic identity stands out.

  5. It's Resilient: Brands built on a strong self-perception are better equipped to weather crises and market changes.

The Hoot Approach to Changing Self-Perception

  1. Deep Discovery: We dive into your company's history, culture, and values to uncover your true essence.

  2. Cultural Alignment: We help align your internal culture with your brand aspirations.

  3. Authentic Expression: We develop brand expressions that genuinely reflect who you are, not who you think you should be.

  4. Empowerment Tools: We provide tools and strategies to help your team embody and express your brand consistently.

  5. Continuous Evolution: We work with you to evolve your brand as your self-perception grows and deepens over time.

By changing how you see yourself, we set the stage for transformative growth. This isn't just about creating a new logo or tagline—it's about uncovering and amplifying the unique value you bring to the world. When you truly understand and embrace who you are, everything else falls into place—your marketing becomes more effective, your employees become more engaged, and your customers become more loyal.

In essence, changing how you see yourself is the most powerful way to change how the world sees you. And that's not just good branding—it's good business.


The Language of Brand: Giving Voice to Your Company's Intuition


What is a Culture-Driven Branding Agency?