How One Document Can Revolutionize Your Brand

One document? Seriously?

Seriously. If you’re ready to spend your marketing dollars wisely without a ton of work, this post is for you.


What is this document you speak of?

Glad you asked. It’s a Brand Messaging Manual.

A Brand Manual is a 25+ page document that helps you find your target audience, understand your customer’s journey, and speak with meaningful messaging. In a Brand Manual, we lay out everything you need to know so your business can be efficient and boost sales. Think of it as your messaging architecture: it’s an effective way to get a clear direction for everything from your website to your company culture.

What will I get from a Brand Manual?

The Brand Manual answers three questions for you and your business, and we’re going to break these sections down into bite-sized pieces.

Who are you talking to?

In this section, you’ll get to know your brand advocate. We learn about your business and your offerings in an initial discovery meeting, and then we build a biography for a fictional person that would be your company’s biggest fan. Not only do we outline their lifestyle, but we also delve into their goals, values, fears, and pain points. By the end of this section, you’ll feel as if you’ve known this person for years.


How do you fit into their story?

Now that you know who your brand advocate is, you’re ready to take them on a journey. With a transformational narrative, the Brand Manual shows you how to center your messaging around your customer’s primary concern: their personal growth. You’ll be able to capitalize on their pain points to show them why your business is the solution to their problems.


How do you communicate your value?

One of the best parts—and certainly the part most of our clients look forward to—is that we wrap up the Brand Manual with original messaging for your business. You can use it anywhere, from your website, print pieces, or spoken aloud the moment you get this document. We’ll come up with one-liners that speak to your brand advocate, your internal team, and to the world at large. Below are just a few examples.

How does this help me now?

When you know who you’re speaking to and how to speak to them, you save time by staying strategic. Guess what else you save? Money. Being specific about who you’re speaking to prevents you from wasting funds on people who will never buy from you. 

Here’s the bottom line: you can feel confident that your messaging is saying the right thing to the right people.

Can you show me proof?

Sure can. 

One of our clients, The Law Office of Matt Uhrig, is a personal injury and workers’ comp attorney, but he didn’t want to blend into the clutter of loud billboard ads that plague his industry. After getting a clear direction for his marketing strategy with the Brand Messaging Manual, The Law Office of Matt Uhrig’s business skyrocketed.

  • He received seven leads in six days from his first Facebook ad run.

  • There was a 135% click rate increase from Google since launching his new website.

  • And, he got a 33% conversion rate on his contact page’s call to action.

Another client, paper goods and gifts shop 1Canoe2, had this to say about their Brand Manual:

“We did the Brand Manual package in June of last year [2018]. The lasting impact it made is immeasurable! We had the products that customers want but we struggled with a concise message that would compel people to follow us, believe in us, and eventually purchase. Hoot gave us all the words that we needed to have in our vocabulary to share with our customers. It was like going from having 300/20 vision where you know the world is out there to having glasses and seeing everything super clearly.

Our sales have increased by about 25% from last May to now, looking at the numbers year over year.

My marketing person said it in a morbid but accurate way: it’s like we were all trying to escape from prison, all digging furiously with our spoons but in our own tunnels. After the Brand Manual project, we’re all digging in the same tunnel!”

Itching to get started? Visit our blog post on creating your brand advocate, download the worksheet, and give us a call when you’re ready to revolutionize your business.

Save time. Stay strategic.

Hoot Design Co. is a marketing, branding, and design agency located in Columbia, MO. We specialize in creating a custom and comprehensive marketing strategy centered around your business's unique strengths and educating you with the tools you need from day one. From logo design to brand identity, website design and execution, and social media marketing strategies in-person and through online courseswe're focused on your business success every step of the way.