Long-Term Agency Relationships

The benefits of long-term agency relationships

Here at HDco, we have one goal: to serve our clients to the best of our abilities. While we of course love our short-term clients (think site in a day and speed branding), we’ve found that long-term relationships prove to be the most worthwhile. 

Here’s why we believe in retainer relationships.

Retainers benefit your brand.

Brands are complicated, and when someone knows yours inside and out, you are guaranteed to have consistent marketing materials time after time. When we work with retainer clients, we produce everything from social media posts to print collateral to websites, and each marketing move is backed by strategy that aligns with our clients’ goals. Plus, these strategic, beautiful materials are delivered incredibly quickly. We can react much faster than any ad lib team ever could. A retainer relationship ensures you are a top priority and gives you full access to an expert team that already knows your brand.

When you work with different marketing teams for different projects, you risk slow timelines and inconsistency. And inconsistency is the easiest way to destroy your brand. Our retainer clients never have to worry about their marketing materials - we ensure they’re consistent, on brand, and on time no matter what.

You get a lot for your money.

Hiring an agency on a retainer is an investment - but it’s also a steal. You could use that money to pay one marketing professional’s salary or a full agency for a year. When you work with an agency, you get an entire team of marketing pros for the price of one. You could either get one person with one skillset or a diverse team of designers, strategists, and copywriters...for the same price. When you hire an agency, you’re hiring a complete marketing department. And we show all of our clients the same respect and thought that an internal team would. 

You can’t put a price on loyalty.

When you sign a retainer contract with HDco, you get our unwavering loyalty. This has never been more apparent than during the COVID-19 pandemic. We advised our retainer clients on how to approach their coronavirus communication. We wrote and designed any and all of their announcements. And if we went over their allocated hours, we didn’t charge them any overage. This is the kind of service you just can’t get without a retainer relationship. 

We put our money where our mouth is. 

Not only do we recommend retainer clients, but we actively pursue them ourselves. One example is found in our relationship with CAP3, our accounting and business advisory firm. While many companies seek advice only around tax season, we get help from CAP3 whenever we need it. Their expertise has been transformative to our business, and when we needed to file for a PPP loan, CAP3 was there for us. We can honestly say that we would not have secured that loan if it weren’t for CAP3. 

Retainers are there for you month after month, and when times get tough, your retainer relationships can be a saving grace. Our retainers get timely marketing materials, unwavering loyalty, and great value for money. We adore all of our clients, but our retainer clients get a little extra love.

<img src="https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/54d517b6e4b0ed7051057db5/1597776257941-OARLASQ0KLIGK8CFDLDC/Creative+agency+team+working+for+well-known+retainer+client" alt="Creative agency team working for well-known retainer client" />

Creative agency team working for well-known retainer client

Want to know more about our retainer services?

Reach out 


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