3 Underrated Organization Tips to Keep Your Life in Order

How to stay organized and keep your life in order

It can be quite hard to put your best foot forward at work if your life is a mess. And no, we don’t mean your personal life. We’re talking about your office life. 

Are you struggling to complete tasks and meet deadlines? Is your desk so cluttered that you’re always sifting through mounds of papers to find one post-it note? If yes, then you desperately need to get your sh*t together.

Being organized allows you to maintain a clear head space and lets you focus your energy towards important tasks. And when you’re organized, you interact better with your co-workers, and most importantly, your clients. 

Below are three underrated organization tips that’ll make your work day flow smoothly:

  1. Make Lists

    Lists are an efficient way to stay on top of things. Without them, it’s easy to forget what needs to be done, and you’ll always end up regretting your lack of organization when a deadline pops up and you didn’t do the work. 

    Make lists on your phone, fridge, or even your hand. You can also use apps like Google tasks and Evernote that keep your lists accessible on both your phone and computer. Organizing your tasks under three categories (high, medium, and low priority) can also help you to determine what to tackle first.  

    Keep in mind that while lists are helpful, overdoing them can overwhelm you and curb your productivity. So, keep your lists day-to-day and avoid making lists that spans weeks, or even months! 

  2. Clean Up Your Space


    Some people have a false notion that they work well when they’re surrounded by piles of random papers and sticky notes. Sorry to break this to you, but if you’re one of these people, it’s a HOAX.

    Cluttered spaces overwhelm you. Going through a frenzy as you search for a specific sticky note with someone’s contact details eats into time you could put towards important work. 

    Instead of leaving papers lying around on your desk, opt for stacked paper trays, big wall calendars, or use technology to jot down quick notes as you move through the day. 

  3. Throw Sh*t Away

    Everyone talks about body detoxes, but we need to start talking more about desk detoxes. You need to clear up your desk and keep only the things that you need.

    Do you have five year-old files sitting in a drawer, or old screenshots strewn around your your computer? You need to get rid of them!

    Spend 10 minutes detoxing your desk and throwing away things you’re never going to need. Do this each day for a week and your desk space will be spotless, and you’ll never look back!

Organization helps keep your life in check and lets you breathe as you work. Let us know in the comments how you stay organized!