Studio Spillman

Evolving a High-End Home Business Through a Fresh Brand Identity


Hoot has worked with Spillman Homes a great deal over the years, tackling everything from branding to content creation to photography. So when the Spillman team embarked on a new endeavor, they came to us for marketing assistance.

Gallery of Spillman Homes' work.

Visual Rebrand
Website Design


An Exciting Change

Spillman Homes had grown exponentially year over year, and its book of business was becoming difficult to manage. To create a sustainable growth plan, the team partnered with a national home builder, a great opportunity for the mid-Missouri company. But the partnership only covered new builds, and remodels were a big part of the Spillman Homes brand.

Studio Spillman business cards in envelope invitation shape.

To ensure that Spillman could still serve its renovation clientele, it transitioned β€˜Spillman Homes’ into β€˜Studio Spillman,’ a high-end remodel business. This evolution required a fresh visual brand, a new website, and clear messaging, which all worked together to make the transition easy for Spillman’s loyal following to understand.



Studio Spillman website homepage.
Studio Spillman instagram capture of completed under stairs remodel.
Studio Spillman notebook with gold accents.
Studio Spillman branded tote bag.

View more case studies:


Building a Brand That Unites All Audiences


Making Company Retreats Meaningful