Brown LLC (Spacey)
Creating a Custom Salon Experience Through Branded Interiors

Our client came to us with a business concept: a studio of salon suites. No name. No visuals. Just an idea. It was up to us to turn that idea into an experiential brand.
Speed Branding
Website Build

Like, outer space?
When we boiled down what the salon suite business is really in the business of, it’s not salons — it’s space. That’s what inspired the name, Spacey, which is just out-there enough to spark feelings of dizzying delight.

Independence for all.
Spacey provides autonomy to independent business owners. It gives entrepreneurs a space of their own, one that’s free of roommate drama or corporate branding. With control over the way their suites look, feel, and operate, Spacey businesses can create completely custom brand experiences for their unique clienteles.

Bringing it all together.
With bold visuals and branded interiors, Spacey came to life — and provided a new beginning for Missouri’s leading salontreprenuers.
We help businesses create custom brand experiences. Reach out to learn more.
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